Anju Modi, an acclaimed costume designer and fashion innovator, is renowned for her masterful blend of traditional Indian textiles and modern design. At Luxury Co Biz, under the expert curation of Madhavi Advani, Anju Modi’s collections epitomize timeless elegance and intricate craftsmanship.
The Designer
With a storied career spanning over three decades, Anju Modi has significantly influenced Indian fashion and cinema. Her work in Bollywood hits like “Bajirao Mastani” and “Ram-Leela” has garnered widespread acclaim for its authenticity and grandeur.
Design Philosophy
Anju Modi is dedicated to reviving and celebrating traditional crafts. Her designs feature rich fabrics, intricate embroideries, and classic silhouettes, creating a seamless fusion of heritage and contemporary style.
Discover Elegance
Experience the artistry of Anju Modi at Luxury Co Biz, where each creation tells a story of heritage and innovation. Under Madhavi Advani’s guidance, indulge in fashion that celebrates the past while embracing the future.